Classic wooden needles made of laminated birch wood.
A pair of different colours for each size.
Lightweight needles ensure hand comfort.
Even long hours of knitting with these needles will not cause fatigue.
Categories: Knit Pro, KnitPro needles, Knitting supplies, Needles, Needles for socks (5 pcs.), Wooden needles
Manufacturer: KnitPro
Classic wooden needles made of laminated birch wood. A pair of different colours for each size. Lightweight needles ensure hand comfort. Even long hours of knitting with these needles will not cause fatigue.
2.00mm, 2.50mm, 3.00mm, 3.50mm, 4.00mm
8,25 € su PVM
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Classic wooden needles made of laminated birch wood.
A pair of different colours for each size.
Lightweight needles ensure hand comfort.
Even long hours of knitting with these needles will not cause fatigue.
2.00mm, 2.50mm, 3.00mm, 3.50mm, 4.00mm
kartu įsigyti
Classic wooden needles made of laminated birch wood.
A pair of different colours for each size.
Lightweight needles ensure hand comfort.
Even long hours of knitting with these needles will not cause fatigue.
2.00mm, 2.50mm, 3.00mm, 3.50mm, 4.00mm
kartu įsigyti
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