KnitPro Mindful sock needles made of stainless steel.
The needles do not cause allergies, are perfect for people with nickel allergy.
Total length of the needles: 30 cm
KnitPro Mindful sock needles made of stainless steel.
The needles do not cause allergies, are perfect for people with nickel allergy.
Total length of the needles: 30 cm
2.00mm, 2.50mm, 4.00mm, 4.50mm, 7.00mm, 8.00mm
kartu įsigyti
KnitPro Mindful sock needles made of stainless steel.
The needles do not cause allergies, are perfect for people with nickel allergy.
Total length of the needles: 30 cm
2.00mm, 2.50mm, 4.00mm, 4.50mm, 7.00mm, 8.00mm
kartu įsigyti
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