For a size 42 sweater you will need 7 balls.
Categories: By fiber, By manufacturer, Discount store, Knitting yarn, Multi-coloured yarn, Phildar, Polyester, Washable wool, Yarn, Yarn for summer, Yarn for winter, Yarn with acrylic
Manufacturer: Phildar, Phildar, PiNGOUiN
Composition: 40% acrylic, 35% polyamide, 25% polyester
Weight/length: 50 g = approx. 155 m
Recommended needle size: 5.0 mm
Knitting density: 10×10 cm = 19 loops x 27 rows
Care: machine washable, no tumble dry, no ironing
Description: amazing yarn for blouses, scarves, and shawls of stunning beauty.
1264 Slow, 2616 Retro, 2628 Disco, 2630 Jazz, 2627 Electro, 2102 Rock
4,68 € su PVM
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For a size 42 sweater you will need 7 balls.
1264 Slow, 2616 Retro, 2628 Disco, 2630 Jazz, 2627 Electro, 2102 Rock
kartu įsigyti
For a size 42 sweater you will need 7 balls.
1264 Slow, 2616 Retro, 2628 Disco, 2630 Jazz, 2627 Electro, 2102 Rock
kartu įsigyti
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